Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rubrics, Marzano Observations and me!!

I am more than just slightly excited to report that my long due absence from blogging is due to extreme pressure from my class.  However, I had an informal observation done last week or the week before..I really can't remember and I received all applying!!!  This has never happened to me and as a new teacher I am beyond excited!!  I am going to attach the rubric I use.  It's easy and my first graders understand it.  If they get it without the teacher's help they get to go to yellow which they say makes them feel happy but not joyful.  If they get the answer correct and all of question probes they go to green which they say is exiting!  The red at the bottom just mean we need some extra TLC!  I use clothespins with their names on it and I pick them by using "sticks".  These "sticks" are tongue depressors with their names on them and I draw them from a colorful basket.  My class was very excited because my mother bought them all Easter Baskets from the dollar store and I hid 150 eggs in our classroom for them to find!  They loved it and I have some students who really need me!  


Our team likes to write performance assessments and this performance assessment was about the central message or theme from Common Core.  Rainbow Fish is the perfect idea and is available at storyline online which makes it even more entertaining because my kids can watch and listen albeit the Smart board!  I included my take on Rainbow Fish because I usually never complete the Art project.

Last but not least at the beginning of the year I read Spaghetti in a Hotdog Bun.  I have attached an additional rubric that goes along with Writing.  This one is good b

because I used the kids examples with there permission.  I teach in a Title One School so there is a rubric example for ESOL.  Let's see.......I am exhausted just thinking about the last nine weeks and my Master's which is almost done!!

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